Our Community Member Donors Make It Possible

The Graeagle Independence Day Committee thanks you for your continued support.

Graeagle Independence Day is a 501 (c) (4) organization and donations are not tax-deductible for individuals but ARE tax deductible for businesses as "Advertising".

If you donated and your name doesn't appear below, please drop us a note using the contact form. We try and update this page every week.

If you wish your donation to be anonymous, please let us know.




Mary Adams
Robert Allen
Arthur & Janice Almquist
Bruce Anderson
Joan Anderson
Steve Andrews
Sharon Arterburn
Shari Ashby
Tom Balestri
Tom Barnard
Don & Betsy Barnes
Linda Barnett
Jenna Berry
Tony Biggs
Kathy Boyce
Mel & Lorraine Brooks
Christine & Eric Bugna
Neil Bullock
Ryan Chegwin
CKM Class 1967
Alan Cook
Richard Croghan
Christine Dakin
David W. & Mary Alice Dierkind
John & Bonnie DiMichele
Geie DLhommedieu
Christina Van Doorninck
Thomas Doyle
Paul Dugan
John & Susan Firchau
Dennis Flynn
Tim Gant
Janice Schneider & Lloyd Geissinger
Dan & Deborah Gerbatz
Paul Greece
Patricia Gordon
J. Clark Gribben
Helen Henderson
Peter Hess
Frederick Hoffman
Jeanne Inman
Holly Jensen
Kathleen Khalar
Kelly Kilby
Mary Kay Kinne
Marty Kinsey
Nancy Klein
Edward & Barbara Lagomarsino
Ronald & Phyllis Lane
Bob & Christine Laxague
John Lollo & Judy Porep- Lullo
Dennis & Sheila Lund
Greg Lunushkin
Beverly Maschio
Kathleen Mcdonald
Stanley Marshall
Bret Monaghan
Jeffrey Monaghan
Jim & Shirley Nakasuji
Jaine Nejedly
Norman & Patricia Nichols
Guy and Jacki Packer
Julie Parnow
Alan Perryman
Tonee Picard
Page Pinto
Jim & Beverly Reynolds
James Rhoads
John & Victoria Rhodes
Joseph Riehl
David & Dink Rife
John Rogers
Stephen Romero
Donna Saarem
Suzi Schoensee
Margaret & Peter Schunk
Jeffrey & Jane Scott
William & Joanne Sherrard
Craig & Stacy Silva
Robert & Judy Simpton
Chad & Alene Singleton
Linda Smidt
By & Jenice Sprenger
Heidi Stimple
Bill.& Helen Sullivant
Kathleen Tesdall
Chris Thompson
Stephen Ursenback
Andrew Van Horn
Alex Vereschagin Jr
Linda & Dick Wheeler
Lyndon & Linda Wheeler
Judith & Melissa Willmore
Ronald & Jennifer Zumbro



Carole Anderson
Dennis Chegwin
William Collett
Rear Admiral Bob & Barbara Day: US Coast Guard (ret)
Shelly Drake
Tina Ficarra
Tom Fregulia
Heidi Georgeson
Katarzyna Guerrieri
Clark Harrison
Gregory Heikkinen
Stephanie and Michael Hix
Suzanne Kilgore
Kunz Family
Geoffrey Lynch
Malher Family
Harry Moos
Christopher Nally
William Obernesser
Julia Russ
Diane Schildbach
Hollis Shaw
Michele Skupic
Valerie and Mark Soltau
Rebecca Ternus
David & Jeannette Tuhtan
Richard and Judy Valdix



Ralph Albright



Edna Bayliff
Wesley & Sheri Sillineri